Online CEN Exam Review Course Bundle (2022)

Preparing You for the CEN® Exam (with Practice Exams)

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There are two parts to successfully passing the CEN® Exam. Part 1 is knowledge; and Part 2 is being able to take exams. Our Online CEN Exam Review Course Bundle brings both of those pieces together. Sign up now and receive access to the full online course, plus three (3) 150 question practice exams developed directly from the 2022 CEN Exam Content Outline.

Solheim's Online CEN Exam Review Course (2022), presented by Jeff Solheim MSN RN CEN TCRN CFRN FAEN FAAN, is here to assist you as you work towards your CEN® certification and/or career advancement. Updated and developed for BCEN's January 18, 2022 CEN update, this 11 part series will serve as your foundation as you prepare for your exam.

  1. Review of the Exam
  2. Mental Health Emergencies
  3. Environmental and Toxicological Emergencies and Communicable Diseases
  4. Cardiovascular Emergencies
  5. Medical Emergencies
  6. Neurological Emergencies
  7. Maxillofacial and Ocular Emergencies
  8. Respiratory Emergencies
  10. Musculoskeletal and Wound Emergencies
  11. Professional Issues

The Online CEN Exam Review Course Manual is sold separately.

This activity has been approved by the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) for 17.75 contact hours. The Emergency Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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Your Instructor

Jeff Solheim
Jeff Solheim
Jeff Solheim is a Registered Nurse with a varied career. Jeff started his nursing journey as an otorhinolaryngology critical care nurse and after three years, transferred to the emergency department where he has spent most of his career. Jeff's roles have varied and include staff nurse, charge nurse, nursing administrator, nursing educator, trauma program manager, state surveyor, flight nurse, and cruise ship nurse.
Jeff was also the founder and executive director of a humanitarian medical organization that deployed medical teams to the developing world. Jeff served in that role for over 25 years and through his organization, has provided medical care to more than a half-million people on six of the seven continents. Jeff also served as President of the Emergency Nurses Association in 2018 and as President of the Nursing Organizational Alliance in 2020. Jeff started Solheim Enterprises in 2004 and has spoken in all 50 states and 10 different countries. Jeff has authored more than 50 books and over 100 journal articles. He has contributed to dozens of other publications.
Aside from nursing, Jeff is a proud father and grandfather. In his spare time, you are likely to find him playing video games or hiking the most challenging trail he can find.

Courses Included with Purchase

CEN 2022 Practice Exam 1
Solheim Enterprises
CEN 2022 Practice Exam 2
Solheim Enterprises
CEN 2022 Practice Exam 3
Solheim Enterprises

Original Price: $105

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
This is a self-paced online course that can start the minute you sign up!
How long do I have access to the course?
If you enroll via the 'One Year Course Access' option, you have access to the course for one year. If you enroll via the 'Monthly Subscription' option, you will have access to the course until you cancel your subscription (cancel anytime).
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 15 days and we will give you a full refund.
What's with the update? What's different?
Great question! BCEN's 2022 CEN Blueprint has added a plethora of new content. We have expanded the course to discuss, among other things, pulmonary hypertension, bowel perforation, cyclic vomiting syndrome, intentional overdose and ingestions, substance use and abuse, withdrawal syndrome, de-gloving injuries, and wound bleeding. Additionally, you'll see sections covering influenza, hemorrhagic fevers, workplace violence, stress management, just culture, abuse and neglect, human trafficking, gender equity, mass casualty, and impaired nurse and drug diversion. We've removed various topics from neurological emergencies, pyschosocial emergencies, GI/GU/GYN/OB emergencies, professional issues, maxillofacial and ocular emergencies, orthopedic and wound emergencies, and environmental emergencies per the new blueprint.

Get started now!